‘Cause today I swear I’m not doing anything

I’m feeling sorta lazy today but i didnt want to break my blogging streak! So I decided to make my avie look tired and slummy like me, currently. This sweater from Reek has always been my favorite because the texture and detail are amazing. It looks sooooo soft, I want it irl. When I bought this hair, I wasnt sure if it would suit me. I usually dont like when all the hair is pulled back. But the style actually works very well, and if you can find a hair base with a few whisps around your face, looks even better. Even if i have dumbo ears, I’m still rockin this hair.

EDIT: After close inspection of my pics i noticed a few prims became blocky. The buttons on the shirt are CIRCLE not hexagon and the toes do NOT look like that normally. please look at previous posts of these feet for a better idea of how beautiful these feet really are.

Hair: Damselfly- Morrisania – Black Pearl

Necklace: LacieCakes – Best Friends Necklace – Peanut butter

Sweater: Reek – Papercut Cardigan Black

Shirt: Atomic – Sheer Comfort – Pure White

Pants: League – Sunday Sweatpants – Black

Feet: SLink Jolie Pied v2.0 Barefeet Medium

Coffee Cup: Hermony – Coffee (i got mine from the Ultimate Cig Package, I think they are sold sep.)